miercuri, 14 octombrie 2015

Prajiturele cu ciocolata / Chocolate Cookies

- 4 oua - 4 eggs
- 4 linguri de zahar - 4 tablespoons sugar
- 4 linguri de ulei - 4 tablespoons oil
- 4 linguri de faina - 4 tablespoons flour
- o lingurita praf de copt - Teaspoon baking powder
- o esenta de rom - A rum
- 2 linguri de cacao - 2 tbsp cocoa
- ciocolata  - chocolate

Batem albusurile spuma tare impreuna cu zaharul. Adaugam galbenusurile, uleiul si esenta. Amestecam usor pana se incorporeaza. Cernem faina, praful de copt si cacao. Cu o spatula incorporam si ingredientele uscate peste cele lichide. Turnam compozitia in forme.

Beat egg whites with sugar . Add the egg yolks, oil and essence. Stir gently to incorporate. Strain the flour, baking powder and cocoa. With a palette  incorporate dry ingredients. Pour the mixture into shapes.

Taiem ciocolata cubulete si punem peste compozitie.

Cut the chocolate into small pieces and put over composition.

Bagam la cuptor 15-20 de minute.

Stuffing in the oven for 15-20 minutes.

Bon Appetite!

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