luni, 18 mai 2015

Tarta cu branza / Cheese Tart

Ingrediente / ingredients:

Umplutura / filling:
- 500 g telemea - 500 g cheese
- 100 g parmezan - 100 g parmesan
- 300 g branza de vaca - 300 g cottage cheese
- 5 fire ceapa verde - 5 green onions
- 2 linguri de chimen - 2 tablespoons cumin
- 5 oua - 5 eggs
- 150 g kaizer - 150 g bacon

Aluat / dought:
- 400 g faina - 400 g flour
- un ou - An egg
- o lingura de smantana - A spoonful of sour cream
- 100 ml lapte - 100 ml of milk
- 100 g unt  - 100 g butter
- o lingurita sare - Teaspoon salt

Pentru inceput facem aluatul. Amestecam toate ingredientele pentru aluat, il punem intr-o folie si il tinem la frigider 30 minute.

First make the dough. Mix all ingredients for the dough, put it in a foil and keep it in the fridge for 30 minutes.

Calim ceapa si kaizerul si lasam sa se raceasca putin. Punem toate ingredientele intr-un castron.

Fried onions and bacon and let cool slightly. Put all ingredients in a bowl.

Amestecam bine.

Mix well.

Intindem o foaie de aluat si o punem in tava.

Stretch a piece of dough and put it in the tray.

Turnam compozitia. Cantitatile sunt pentru 2 tarte.

Pour the filling. Quantities are for two tarts.

Ornam cu cateva fasii de aluat si ungem cu ou.

We put some strips of dough over and Brush with egg.

Lasam la foc mic timp de 50 minute.

We leave to simmer for 50 minutes.

Pofta buna!

Bon appetit!

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